formerly Shakespeare and Company Books, now VIcarious Experience

True Story of the Gypsy Life by Lena Adams and J. Henry Strickland

$ 45.00 USD

True Story of the Gypsy Life by Lena Adams and J. Henry Strickland. Nellie Strickland (West Texas State Teacher's College)-Publisher? Copyright 1941, Revised 1952. This story is written by Nellie Strickland in the humble Gypsy way as told to her by Henry Strickland and Lena Adams. Staple bound wrappers pamphlet, 30 pages. There is a light bend in the book, horizontal across about the bottom quarter of the book.The cover price on the front of the book is blacked out. There is discoloration to most of the cover plus 2 circular stains on the back cover suggestive of inch diameter price stickers. On the title page, there is an ink notation of an address under Henry Strickland's name, perhaps his address. Otherwise there are no previous owner markings. Generally there is no dor-earing to the pages. There is a fold to pages 29 and 30, but that appears to be from publication. Not ex-library, not remaindered, not a facsimile reprint. Photos available on request. For sale by Jon Wobber, bookseller since 1978. BE30b

"'It take a Gypsy to tell one gypsy from another, and J. Henry Strickland is the exception who proves the rule. ... "I am the first and onlky non-Gypsy ever to win their confidence," he says. "That's because I let 'em camp on my ranch and proved I was their friend." is the story of a young Gypsy girl who left the tribe in 1939...the girl tells much of the habits, customs and life of her people, concentrating on the lowly position of women."' - Daily Oklahoman May 11, 1941.

The also book covers the abuse of women in Gypsy culture, and some of the illegal scams and games run by Gypsys.- Jon Wobber May 30, 2016.